Thursday, August 13, 2009
Counting the Cost
Our team member, Kenne, got home a few weeks ago after spending an extra two weeks in Bulgaria with the Robnetts. While he was there, he spoke with the pastor of the Blaga Vest church in Sofia about returning next year and staying for a year to volunteer in their soon-to-open childrens' daycare program.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
What I Learned on the Other Side of the Planet...
(or, Why We Do What We Do)
For instance, I return with a renewed sense of urgency regarding prayer. How we as Christians can settle for a prayerless walk with God amazes me, having experienced the amazing strength and presence of God that is found in daily, continual prayer. However, I have been here before and allowed my prayer life to become dull and routine. I don't want to go back to that again! I have tasted the goodness of a life lived in prayer… please Lord, don't let me forget it!
I was also encouraged regarding my calling as a teacher and preacher of God's word. I was given two opportunities to teach while in Bulgaria: Once in the church at Elin Pelin and another at the camp's evening service on the last night. Both times reinforced in my mind and heart that this is what God has called me to do with my life. I also had numerous opportunities to counsel and share God's word with teens at the camp in one-on-one conversations and really experienced the Holy Spirit giving me the words and scripture needed for the discussions at hand. It was amazing to see how God ministered to those kids and use me to do it. I was honored and humbled at the same time, fully realizing that it was all God.
I can say with absolute conviction that God has called our congregation to this work in Bulgaria. What we are doing there is hugely important, not only to the Church in Bulgaria, but to our body as well. I realize that some in our church still wonder what exactly we are doing in Bulgaria and often as a team we have struggled to communicate that vision. I hope and pray that as you followed along in the blog and our various Facebook postings, you at least got a taste of the work that is being done. However, our mission is about much more than physical labor on behalf of our Bulgarian brethren. Our primary focus is on relationship.
In many ways, the Church in Bulgaria is working alone, still finding its way out of the darkness of Communism. Unfortunately, many American missionaries have stepped into this void to do work without commitment. One of our dear Bulgarian friends related that she initially distrusted our team because she had seen so many Americans show up to do their "mission" just to return home and brag about the work they did in Bulgaria, but never returning. The Bulgarian Church needs to be shown that they are part of the worldwide body of Christ. If we are going to stand with them in ministry, we must be willing to commit to that relationship for the long haul. That is what our congregation has done and our team truly stands out in their minds. They know we are there because of our love for them. (John 13:35 By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.)
We have committed to a long-term relationship of support and camaraderie that is very important to their perception, not only of us, but of the Church in America and worldwide. Will the Church come to their side in their hour of need, or leave them to go it alone, aside from the occasional missionary trip for brownie points? We won't do that! When we go to Bulgaria, our ministry is far more than painting buildings or running a Vacation Bible School in a kid's camp. Year after year, we are expressing a desire to share in their burdens, whatever they may be. We are demonstrating that we are family and that we want to be a part of the great work God is doing both in them and through them.
This nation will be reached with the gospel because, through all that the country has been through, God has preserved a remnant faithful to Him. Now, that remnant has grown into fully functional churches led by and filled with people who love God and desire His will more than anything else. They are winning back their countrymen from the lies of Communism and false religion and the Church in Bulgaria will continue to grow through their labors, by the power of God.
We are privileged to be able to stand with them in those labors in any way, however small. We have much to learn from our Bulgarian family as they demonstrate unswerving faithfulness to the call in the face of overwhelming obstacles. Here, with all our freedom to evangelize and live our faith, in our churches that are rich with resources and full of people, we often fail to be the Church that God has called us to be. We are becoming irrelevant in our culture because people do not see in us what the Church is meant to be. We are not demonstrating Christ's power and love to the world around us, and we have nothing else to offer! May we learn from the Church in Bulgaria, and elsewhere in the world, that this work we build is not our own nor do we have what it takes to build it. We must become absolutely dependent on Christ to supply both the direction and the power to build His Church as He sees fit. Only then will we see the amazing things that have marked His people since the beginning.
One day, we will all stand before our Lord and He will not care if we are American, or Bulgarian, or Mexican, or African… He will only look at what we have built and how we have built it. Our works will be tried be fire and their true value displayed for all to see. It is so easy, in our culture of prosperity and seeming spirituality, to look at all we have and do and assume that we are building the Church. But whose church are we buiding… God's or our own? Let us remain faithful to His work, both here and around the world, and join hands with our Christian family everywhere to see the work completed in a way that would please our Heavenly Father!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Thoughts on the Way Home
Linzi, Marinna, & Megan
Linzi Jo
There are so many things I could say about this trip. I could go on for days. But if I had to break it down to a couple of things I can. Who touched my life? There is a teacher at the camp who I have known for a few years, but I have never really gotten a chance to get to know her. She came up to me on the last day of camp and she hugged me and didn't let go. She told me that she was so impressed with me. She said she can see that God has given me a gift with kids, and she can see that we truly love them. She told me that she was proud of me and she loved me. That moment was worth all the bugs!
How did God use me? Wow, how didn't He use us? Before we left for Bulgaria, we wrote a letter to God asking or just praying about our trip. I got mine and read it and I saw that God did answer my prayer. I prayed that He would use me any way He could and He did. I painted a mural, did a mini purity conference, I helped with the kids, I ministered to a friend. I asked to grow closer to Him and that happened too. God revealed many things to me; things I didn't know about myself. I am a new person, a young woman of Christ.
The last night in Bulgaria, I was talking with our girls and I said, "You see whyBulgaria?" and with tear-filled eyes they said yes. I see the impact we made on the kids and people of Bulgaria, and I also see the impact God had on our kids' lives through the people of Bulgaria and I am so thankful for that.
This trip has been a life chagning experience for me. I saw so much of God... it's amazing! I never thought I would see so much of Him in a moment, but He's God. Bulgaria is more than a country we go to each year... it's a desparate place where God seems hidden. In America, they say how much we need God and it's true, but people know about Him here and He's everywhere... we're just so distracted by other things that we don't see Him. But in Bulgaria, you never see signs or churches or anything.
Not only did Bulgaria need the team and I, but I needed Bulgaria. I was in this tight shell that I needed to break, but I didn't have anything hard enough to break it. When I saw those kids and how much of a relationship they wanted from us, I couldn't stay in the shell. So I prayed to God to help me. "Help me open up and be a part of their lives," and with that desire it was easy. I wasn't afraid anymore.
Not only did I open up with the kids, but with my team as well. They have never seen the real Marinna before but, on this trip, they did and they told me what a blessing it really was. So God brings us to change the world and in that I think we are changed as well. I know I did!
I thank God every day for what He has done for me and I loved the way He did it. He did it through the kids. I love those kids with all of my heart. They are just so amazing! From 7 to 19 years old, they touched me in ways I can't even describe... but I can tell you this: They love God so much. More than I have seen in adults. And that speaks to me. Thank you God for everything you have done in my life and I can't wait to see what else you have in store.
For me, this trip to Bulgaria has been a huge learning experience. Even though I was there to teach the kids, I feel like I'm coming home a new person. I've gotten a lot closer to God through prayer. The whole camp was about praying and God really used that to speak to me. I'm now praying about everything, even things that would have seemed small before. I also learned a lot about family and teamwork.
When we first arrived in Sofia, I immediately saw open arms from people I didn't know. Even the small things like being introduced informally had a big impact on me. I realized that even in Bulgaria, all of God's children are united through Him. I felt like part of the family as soon as we met.
When we were at camp, I loved how there were no age barriers. Teenagers were friends with little kids and didn't think twice about it. Itzo (Pastor Ludmil's son) especially made a big impression on me because he was taking care of the kids and he wasn't even related to them. One of the things I love the most about Bulgaria is that they are one big family. I am really going to miss all fo the incredible people I've met! I can't wait to see what God does in all of our lives.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
More Pics...
Pictures From Camp
More of the Camp at the Black Sea
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Greetings from Albena!
The camp changed locations this year from Chernomoretz, on the southern shore of the Black Sea, to Albena up north. We're less than 30 miles from Romania as the crow flies.We have been comparing the two camps a bit and, while this camp definitely has more bugs and spiders, along with patches of stinging nettles, the food is WAAAAYYYYY better and our bungalows get daily maid service (beds are made and things are straightened up). All the returning team members have enjoyed catching up with our friends, and everybody is making new friends as well.
Yesterday, we woke up at 5:30am to load up the vans and head across the country. After a 7 hour trip, we arrived, unpacked, and spent the evening with the kids. This morning, we began our first full day of camp, including our 2 hour daily VBS. Our theme is "Crocodile Dock" and is a bayou, Tom Sawyer-ish theme. Vance performed as a hillbilly version of Moses as he shared the story of meeting God at the burning bush. One of our Bulgarian friends, Eti, translated everything for him to the children. This is required in everything we do, even in our personal conversations many times. After awhile, it becomes second nature to pause every few seconds for the translation. We also did games and crafts, along with breakout workshops for several different projects. Brianna got to share with the Bulgarian teens during the morning teaching session.
In addition to our VBS time, we also spend time daily with the children both at the swimming pool and the beach where we function as the safety monitors. We also enjoy three meals a day with them and some free time throughout as well as an evening service. Worship is being handled by several teens from the Blagavest church and I am assisting on the drum. Pastor Chuck and Lynda taught together on the first night and each night brings a different speaker. Both Joey and I will be given the opportunity to teach the evening service later in the week.
I will bring you more tomorrow, but now I am off to bed. The weather is hot and humid so the big decision is: a) leave the windows open for at least some air movement to cool things down a little, or b) face the heat and shut the windows to keep the mosquitos out. Fortunately, a storm is nearby so we hope the rain will keep and make option A work!
In spite of the bugs, humidity, and other challenges, the team is having an incredible time serving God and the Bulgarian people. Please pray for the Robnett family who are struggling with various illness and injuries. Also, traveling mercies for Pastor Chuck and Lynda, who will be driving to Gabrovo tomorrow to spend some time ministering to an old friend. Lynda's neck has given her some trouble while on the road, so lift that up as well. Above all, pray that God gives each of us the strength and heart for the ministry that lies before us and that doors of opportunity would open and be recognized by each of us through the upcoming week. God is amazing and we are so blessed by all that He is doing here! I will post pics and video clips tomorrow. Leka nosht...
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Sunday in Bulgaria
Friday, July 3, 2009
Elin Pelin
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Our First Day is Done
Our First Morning
Tonight, we are expecting to go visit the gypsy church in Stolnik with Pastor Niki. We're a little worried about transportation since we're about two seats short with the vehicles we've got. We'll figure it out and make it work though. Somebody may end up on somebody's lap!Everybody is in great spirits and we're all just glad to be here... finally! We're ready to hit the ground running and eagerly looking forward to reuniting with the friends we haven't seen yet as well as all the new relationships we'll be building here.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
We Made It!
We were met at the airport by Vance and a bunch of our Bulgarian friends who helped transport us and our luggage to our rooms. Now that we've reunited with the Robnetts, our team feels whole again. We're staying in an apartment built on the top floor of the new Blagavest church. The rooms are great, and the shower was even greater! We've got wireless internet access, so blog updates should be regular while we are here in Sofia.
However, right now its 1:40 in the morning here (3:40 pm there in BHC) and we're off to bed! Keep praying for us!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Sitting in the Airport
Monday, June 29, 2009
Last Night In America
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Running Out Of Time!
We're doing a bayou, kinda "Tom Sawyer" styled, theme for the week and we'll be relating the story of how God delivered the Israelites from Egypt. Our daily topics include GOD IS WITH US, GOD IS POWERFUL, GOD DOES WHAT HE SAYS HE'LL DO, GOD GIVES US LIFE, and GOD CARES FOR US. We've got great lessons and activities planned for each day and we're even going to do an "Amazing Race" challenge based on the ten plagues!
Of course, all the activities, games, and object lessons require supplies and costumes so everybody is scrambling to collect everything they'll need. I'm going to do a monologue lesson as the Pharoah on one day, but with the bayou theme, we're going for more of a "Col. Sanders" look. I hit a thrift store in Oceanside last week and found the perfect jacket and pants for it. Throw in a white shirt and bow tie with a straw hat and some powder in my hair and beard... Good to go! Also, we're all scrounging for overalls, cut-off jeans, and straw hats to wear during our time every day.
It's a little unnerving because you can't just whip up something you forgot at the last minute... home is going to be 6500 miles away! We have to nail down every little detail before we leave. Of course, some supplies can be obtained over there, but their stores are completely different and not everybody speaks English, nor do we have a lot of free time for shopping.
The other issue is packing... we have to FIT all those supplies in our suitcases to get them there! International travel allows us two suitcases each in checked baggage, plus a carry-on. Everyone on the team has to pack for two weeks using only one suitcase so we can use our additional suitcase for supplies. Hopefully, we can pack everything we need into ten suitcases! Last year, we had a packing party where we all brought our second piece of luggage and we loaded up everything we had to take... it was tight!
Continue to pray for us as we wrap up these last weeks of preparation. Pray for peace of mind and strong organizational skills. Also, if you have any props or clothing that fit our theme and you'd like to help out, talk to one of us. Finally, take a moment to grab one of the team members when you see them at church or around town and tell them that you're praying for them and following along on the blog. It means the world to us to know that we have your support and thoughts as we go. Thanks!
14 more days!!
More Memories From Last Year
(Linzi White)
(Joey Leslie)
Monday, May 25, 2009
Memories From Last Year...
(Linzi White)
Friday, May 8, 2009
Yard Sale Today!
Even though its Friday, most of the team is out in force (those with the day off) and the mood is cheerful, even at this awful hour. Customers have been trickling in by two's and three's at a steady pace and our travels are growing by a few dollar bills at a time.
Our "Team Member of the Day" award goes out to Marinna Hunt who is up early and spending her birthday outdoors selling other people's stuff to complete strangers. Happy 15th, Marinna! Or, in Bulgarian... Chestit Rozhden Den!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Down to the Wire
Please keep the team in prayer for these needs! We understand that God opens doors and closes doors, so we eagerly wait on Him to see how He will build His team this year. Pray especially for those who feel God has called them to go but have not yet seen the provision for that calling. If you are able, consider whether you might be able to support them financially as well.
As I wrote this, it occurred to me that I have not named the team at any point yet in this blog. This group has been meeting together in training meetings, language lessons, and fundraiser activities for several months now in preparation for our trip. They are:
Pastor Chuck & Lynda Kelly
Vance & Barbi Robnett
Brianna Robnett
Brad Robnett
Mike Kern
Megan Kern*
Joey Leslie
Linzi White
Jordan Hunt
Marinna Hunt*
Kenne Probst
Shae Pottmeyer
Richard Marquis*
(* first-year team members)
On a side note, the Robnetts are going over with the team but will be staying in Bulgaria for 3 months as a family. Please make sure to keep them in prayer even after the team returns as God has granted them this extended time of ministry.
If you have any questions about the ministry we do in Bulgaria, or just want to hear some amazing stories about what God is doing over there, please talk to any of the team who have been there and we will be soooo happy to share!
Only 54 more days!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Говорите ли Български? (Do you speak Bulgarian?)
Of course, most of the people we meet in Bulgaria speak at least some English, but some, including most of the gypsy people, do not. Even a basic vocabulary in their native tongue allows us to connect through conversation. Since building relationships is the primary focus of our ministry, the ability to communicate with each other is a pretty big deal.
However, conversation is not the only reason for learning the language. Far too often, Americans venture forth into the world as ambassadors of... well, Americanism! As citizens of a self-sufficent and prosperous superpower, we can easily demonstrate an unconscious lack of humility when dealing with other cultures. It is easy to assume that our ways are the best ways and that the world speaks English because of our global influence. Such arrogance is hardly conducive to ministry! Many in the world are automatically suspicious of American motives anytime we advance beyond our own borders. As citizens of God's kingdom and His ambassadors, we must seek a better way. By taking time to learn the language of those we serve amongst, we demonstrate humility and unity with our fellow laborers. I have seen firsthand as Bulgarian hearts were opened to their American brothers and sisters in Christ by something as simple as us attempting to sing along with them in their own language during a worship service.
One day, we will all communicate together effortlessly in some heavenly tongue without translators or interpretation errors. The language, cultural, and physical barriers will drop as we give up our temporary eartly citizenships and go home to the kingdom where our ultimate allegiances lie. Until then, we must do all that we can to make those barriers as meaningless as possible.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
The Challenge and Joy of Fundraising
Over the years, the team has adopted several fundraising methods. The teenagers are all encouraged to write a letter explaining why they are taking the trip and what costs are involved. These letters are then sent to their family and friends. First-time members also share their calling with the church body in a letter as well. Traditionally, these letters account for the most significant funds raised. Another traditional fundraiser has been the yearly yard sale to support the ministry. Many in the church donate items to sell and the team holds the yard sale in the church parking lot on several weekends. This has been well supported by the body with donations and staffing and has also been quite successful as a fundraiser. Additionally, throughout the year the sale of bottled water in the foyer on Sunday mornings supports the ministry and the church's website now features the ability to donate to the cause online.
This year, the team is trying several new things as well. Earlier this year, a circus/daycare was held at the church, giving parents an opportunity to be "kid-free" for a day. The team provided circus-themed enertainment for all the children and everyone had a blast! In May, a neighborhood carnival will be held at Mohave Accelerated Learning Center on Marina Blvd. This outdoor event will feature live entertainment, fun carnival games, and contests and is intended to draw from the surrounding community.
With the economy in decline, we made it a goal this year to focus more of our fundraising efforts on the community outside of our church body. The congregation has always been amazing in their support of this ministry, but in addtion to Bulgaria, they are also seeing fundraising requests from the youth group and childrens ministries along with the expenses incurred by the other ministry activities and events of the church. To that end, we have directed most of our attention to fundraising efforts that spread the need throughout our community. The letters, yard sale, and carnival are all aimed at reaching out beyond our church body to seek God's provision.
Realistically, all of our fundraising efforts as a team bring in only a fraction of the required amount. However, the activities themselves are far more important than the finances they raise. Instead of being about making money, the fundraising events are actually a critical part of the team's training process. It is in the planning and doing of these activities that we learn to work together as a team. Our individual strengths and weaknesses are revealed and relationships are built. We learn to support and encourage each other and discover how to work through the irritating and annoying personality traits we each possess. The two weeks we spend together in Bulgaria as a team are simply an extension of the months we have already spent working and serving together.
Ultimately, where God guides us, He does provide as we step out in faith and obedience. The exciting part is that He provides, not only the finances to go, but the training and equipping the team needs to go well! We are so grateful to the body and everyone else who has supported this ministry financially. We are even more grateful for those who encourage and support the team and pray for us, both as we prepare at home and as we serve in Bulgaria. You are as much a part of this minstry as we are! God bless you all...
62 more days!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Field Trip to a Bulgarian Restaurant

Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Our first blog posting
Why do we as a church send a team to Bulgaria year after year? While I hesitate to speak for the entire team on this subject, I personally have two answers to that question:
Short answer- We do so out of obedience. God has specifically called our church body, and individuals within that body, to serve in this way. To not respond to that call would be disobedience.
Long answer- We do so as one part of the Body encouraging another part of the Body. Just as my hand scratches my back when there is an itch, or my legs carry my weary head to bed at night, the individual parts that make up the Body of Christ have a responsibility to support, encourage, and edify each other. None of us should walk through this life alone and it is a privilege to share in fellowship with another group of believers the amazing things God is doing in our time. While the nation of Bulgaria only recently left a period of opression where the free practice of our faith was strongly discouraged, it is exciting to see the great work our Lord is building there and the people He has chosen to build it. We are honored to share in that work in any way possible and look forward, every year, to rekindling our relationships with the Church in Bulgaria.
So, continue to pray for our team and pray for the Church throughout the nation of Bulgaria. We look forward to sharing our experiences with those who are sending us!